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Why grass fed?
Why organic?
Why soy-free?
Why eat local?
Our difference
Bone broth
Organic chicken
Organic eggs
Organic pork
Frozen is Fresher
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From our family to yours...
We are a 100%-owned family farm, so you can rest assured that everything that bears our name is produced on our farm with the greatest attention to every detail.
You see, we truly care about the health of our family, and we care about yours too.
Our mission is to provide families with truly healthy meat.

Why organic?
"100% organic means you can rest assured..."
Since we're certified organic, you know that our farm is tightly monitored to ensure that everything we do is in accordance with strict organic standards.
We are independently inspected and have to comply with rigorous requirements, 365 days a year.
This is to ensure that the meat you buy from us is of the highest quality available, anywhere on the planet.
Plus, did you know that organic farms emit as little as half the carbon-dioxide as industrial farms, provide an effective carbon-sink, and use much less fuel-energy than conventional farms? For every 10,000 farms that switch to organic production, it's the equivalent of taking one-million cars off the road.
And of course, 100% organic means no drugs, no antibiotics, no hormones, no pesticides, no chemicals, no toxins, and no contaminants... and animals that are treated humanely and allowed to live as they were designed to.